Perspectives: Black Friday

by Stacy McDonald

The world has labeled the day after Thanksgiving Black Friday, a name that originated on this day because many retailers report sales in the black (meaning a profit was made) on the day after Thanksgiving when they had been in the red the days before. Unlike these retailers, however, a great many of those out shopping on Black Friday will go the opposite direction regarding their finances by the time the day is over. 

In the past, I remember planning my Black Friday schedule weeks in advance. I meticulously planned out what I would purchase and from which stores. I precisely mapped out the day. All the while, I was conscious of the fact that my family could not really afford for me to purchase most of it. I would reason that truth away, however, by telling myself I was doing the right thing. After all, I truly do love giving gifts, and there’s no better time to give than at Christmas. Right? Isn’t that what Jesus would want me to do? He would want me to go into debt and stretch my budget too far. That’s why He came to earth? That’s why He willfully went to the cross and laid down His life, so I could spend too much money to show I care and prove my love. Right? 

I was one of those parents struggling to keep up with the Joneses, struggling to meet the demands of the world, those looking to be fulfilled through the acquiring of material goods for themselves and those they love–looking but never achieving. A great many of these parents profess to know Christ, just as I did back then. Unfortunately, the love of the world pulls strong on their hearts and minds, and they answer to that pull rather than turn to Christ. Oh, that they would have eyes to see and ears to hear. That they would be set free from worldly bondage and the love of mammon. Oh, that they would turn to Christ and live.

As I was reading my morning devotional, I was reminded that those who are truly set free no longer seek the things of this world, but their focus–their interests–become those of Jesus Christ, interests that include practical things of beauty, spiritual things of above, and an all-encompassing passion for others based on the love they have for the Lord. They no longer look to material items as a way to earn the affections of others or to show they care, but, rather, they serve with a selfless spirit while sharing the love of Christ, a beautifully contagious thing that permeates to the soul and spirit of humankind outside the reason and logic of man. 

But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. – Galatians 6:14 KJV

Stacy McDonald, the wife of Chaplain Mark McDonald, serves at Mission West RV Park in Mission. They are with Christian Resort Ministries, which provides local RV resorts throughout the RGV with nondenominational worship services. You can contact the McDonalds for their worship times at You can also visit our website at for more information about all of the services provided in your area.

Author: Kristi

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